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2023 and Beyond: The IR35 Hokey-Cokey
Adam Pratt

2023 and Beyond was Project Partners first hybrid event. For our final session, guest speakers from Kingsbridge Group, Stuart Hayne and Matthew Tyler, presented everything you need to know about IR35.

Since 2021 (or 2017 for the public sector), the end clients have been responsible for deciding whether or not contractors are working off-payroll.

That was until the mini-budget came out not too long ago. There it was announced that IR35 would be repealed. This gave hope to thousands of contractors that they would, once again, own that responsibility.

Don’t get too excited though, because that repeal was repealed and now IR35 is back on the table.

With a new Prime Minister, who knows what will happen next?

Stuart and Matthew navigate you through the IR35 uncertainty, and how best to approach it so engagement can be maximised.

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